Saturday, October 15, 2011

Signal in perl multi-processes

Catch a signal in Perl is easy.

  # main 
  $PID = $$; 
  $SIG{'INT'} = "final_cleanup";

  my $pid = fork();

  if (!defined($pid)) {
      print "Error in fork: $!";
      exit 1;

  sub final_cleanup {
But I found every sub processes run final_cleanup. It is not what I want
- run it in main only. Others just exit. Below is the revised version:
  # main 
  $PID = $$; 
  $SIG{'INT'} = "INT_exit";
  my $pid = fork();

  if (!defined($pid)) {
      print "Error in fork: $!";
      exit 1;


  sub final_cleanup {
  sub INT_exit {
    if ( $PID == $$ ) {
      sleep 3;
      print "MAIN PID $$ == Please wait to collect all subprocesses ...\n";
    else {
      print "PID $$ existing ...\n";


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